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The Squat

See muscles involved

Primary Muscles Involved
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Adductors

Other Muscles Involved
Abdominals and Spinal Erectors (stabilizing the torso), Deltoids (holding the weight)

Before removing the bar from the rack, ensure that your back is straight, your abs are tightly pulled in, and that you have a firm grip on the bar with it resting securely on the back of your shoulders (never on your neck). Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Smoothly bend your knees and hips to lower your body until your thighs are approximately parallel to the floor (Starting Position). By pressing through the heels, smoothly raise your body to the standing position (Finishing Position). It is important to inhale during the lowering and exhale during the excertion. Keep your abs tightly pulled in and your chest out throughout the entire exercise.

Tips and Safety
Never hunch or hold your breath during the exercise.
Have someone spot you or use self spotting equipment.
Using a wider stance places more emphasis on the gluteals, hamstrings, and adductors.

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